Life Lately

So I miss blogging. A lot.

I wish I could blog more, but right now life just does not allow it. And you know what? That’s ok! All in due time, right?! Smile

Just wanted to pop in & give you a little peak into my life right now…because I know you are all DYING to know. Winking smile (Please notice the sarcasm!)

So right now I am currently studying to get my personal training certification, with a ‘specialty’ in women’s fitness. I am thrilled to train people, and especially women that are pregnant, post delivery, and just knowing how to train women better in general is SO EXCITING!! I’m hoping to take my test by the end of the year…hopefully. It’s hard to get studying in between my job (I work from home), being a Mom and just life in general. You know how it is- we are ALL busy in different ways!

As for my bundle of PURE JOY….


(she’s like, look guys, I’m TEN months!)


She’s WALKING (unassisted), which is INSANE to think about. She started walking, on her own, September 2nd. (oh yes, I do know the EXACT date Winking smile )


And she is a bit of an odd ball, EVERY where we go, all she wants to do is eat leaves.


She’s like, yep Mom, totally know you are watching and I’m STILL going to do this. Little stink. Now I give her spinach leaves as part of her dinner and tell her they are leaves. Seems to be working???!

I CANNOT believe it, but I’m planning her first birthday party!! I picked out the theme and have purchased a few items already. Pinterest & Etsy are my party planning best friends. 😉 And you guys, first birthday outfits?!??! I’m DYING because I don’t know which one to get. We may need a few outfit changes throughout the day. No lie.

As everyone says, it DOES get easier. It really does. Those first few months are HARD. Not that it’s ‘easy’ now, but you really UNDERSTAND each other. You understand your child, and you and your partner KNOW what to expect…usually Winking smile 

I cannot lie, it was HARD….REALLY hard on our marriage initially with Gabriella. Just because it’s something TOTALLY new in your life. COMPLETELY unpredictable, and it felt as there were new ‘issues’ that would arise EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. But you know what, one day I just told myself, we will get through this! We WILL make it work. Just like anything in life, you have to realize what your priorities are and what you WANT in life and MAKE IT HAPPEN. Yes, of course, there are still rough days here & there, but you know what? I’m SO blessed that I get to spend my ENTIRE life with my BEST friend, my husband. The one who is by my side NO MATTER WHAT. We also have this little lady to share our life with too…


And, God willing, she will have sibling to share US with. Open-mouthed smile 

So other than that, I’m REALLY focused on training these days. Gabriella and I run every morning- well, she rides in the BOB. Smile I try to do at least 10 miles everyday, and vary what kind of training it is- whether speed, endurance, etc.

I have six races in the next four months…and I CANNOT wait!!! One 15K this Saturday, four half marathons and one full marathon in December. Race season is FINALLY here…what I have been training for ALL summer! All of those long, hot, sometimes VERY hard runs, are going to be completely worth it!!!

So for now, the blog is on hold, but I may pop in here and there. I really miss Google reader, so much…I was able to keep up with some of my favorite blogs. Any suggestions for sites like Google reader?

For now I’ll leave you with these pictures of Gabriella playing with her water table and bubbles. Girl is OBSESSED with bubbles. It’s hilarious!



And just one more…because it’s too cute not to share…


‘Flying’ with Daddy. Smile

5 thoughts on “Life Lately

  1. I am so glad to hear an update from you. Where are you getting that certification from? I am actually thinking about doing something similar to help me find a job when Tim and I move back east coast.

  2. Ah Gabriella just keeps getting cuter! I like the spinach “leaves” trick. Smart!!
    That’s so awesome you’re getting your personal training certification. I still think about possibly doing that someday (definitely not now with school). I bet you will be an amazing trainer with all the weights workouts you put together. What full marathon did you decide on?! I’m thinking about doing one in February (in Tallahassee)…

    I use Bloglovin’ now in place of Google Reader, although I can barely keep up with it these days… I feel you on the “busy” feeling!!

  3. Wow, she’s walking early! So cute!

    I’m glad that you checked in, I miss your blog!

  4. I was just thinking about you this weekend! I’m so happy to hear everything is going together with G, your training, and personal trainer certification. You have gotten through the toughest months! I’m sure any new addition to the family will be hard for everyone. Change is always a tough thing to deal with at times! I hope to hear from you soon 😀

  5. Congrats on studying the your training certification. That sounds perfect for you! I’m currently studying as well and can’t wait to take that test. Today was anatomy…didn’t quite understand it on the first time haha 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your perspective on what it’s like to have a baby in the house and how it affects your relationship. I’m glad you guys are getting through it 🙂

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