20 Questions

Good Morning!

I saw this post on Christina’s(aka ‘Xtina’s) blog the other week & thought I would ‘borrow’ it from her. (thanks Christina 🙂 )I always love these surveys, and for new readers I figured you might like to get to know me a bit better!

1) What is one of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday?
Waking up with a cup of coffee (Starbucks in particular- extra bold), watching some shows that I have on DVR, going for a long run (or long workout at the gym), ordering take out food & enjoying a glass of wine with a movie. Sounds like a perfect day to me! 🙂

2) List your top three favorite TV shows.
1. Big Brother. I hate having to wait until the summer each year. They need a summer & winter Big Brother!
2.  Dexter…obsessed.. & I can’t wait for the new season.
3. Shameless- Craig & I just watched the whole first season & now I’m hooked. It’s such a good show & William H. Macy plays the perfect role.

3) Would you rather be in pictures or take them?
Take the pictures. You can ask my family & friends, I’m like the paparazzi. Whenever we have a get together I always have my camera!

4) Why do you blog?
Well I stopped for a while, and then I realized that I DO enjoy it- I like keeping in touch with family & friends. I also enjoy the ‘blogging community’ & I have met some genuine friends, which I would of never met if I didn’t blog.

5) Share five websites that you visit
Aol (my email)
Google Reader (have to catch up on my favorite blogs)
E! Online (Love the latest celebrity gossip)

6) If you could have lunch with one person from your Twitter list, who would it be? Lardarius Webb. Because he’s my favorite Ravens player. Love him ❤ …and I have met him before, but it was brief. I would love to be able to talk to him over lunch.


7) List a few of your favorite snacks.
Chobani Greek Yogurt (I eat it everyday, usually for lunch), Rice cakes (seriously…with peanut butter on them), peanuts (only salted), & blueberries.

8 ) Do you have a pet? If so, what kind?
Fish count ,right?! I have two betta fish- one at home, his name is 27…and one at work, his name is Webb. (wonder why that’s his name?! ;))

9) Which three material possessions would you struggle to live without?
Camera, chapstick (the green blistex…it’s the best), & toilet paper. (<—totally legit, right?!)

10) What’s your favorite drink?
Iced coffee from starbucks followed closely by ice water

11) Do you enjoy cooking?
LOVE it!

12) Do you have children?
Not yet, but definitely in the future!

13) What are your favorite hobbies?
Working out / Running, Reading, scrapbooking when I have time
bis<—Now isn’t that intimidating?! Yikes! 

14) Would you consider yourself to be shy or outgoing?
Outgoing, definitely. I’m little Miss Chatty Cathy, I could talk to a wall.

15) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
I would take away my Crohn’s disease. Blah!
crohn's stinks

16) Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Mark Wahlberg / Reese Witherspoon.
mark<—Oh, HELLO!

17) What’s the coolest thing you’ve done this week?
Ha! It’s only Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday…. So I would say it was pretty cool to get myself to work ontime. Go me. It’s the little things. 😉

18) Do you live near your family or far from them?
Most of my family is in Florida, most of Craig’s family is in Maryland.
N136<—My family
N140<—Craig’s family (well, my family now too!)

19) List three of your talents.
– Cooking/ baking- anything in the kitchen
-I have an eye for interior decorating- you might not be able to tell it quite yet, but our house is coming together room by room. We still have a lot planned to do & I can’t wait!
-I think I take pretty good pictures. It’s a work in progress, but hopefully soon I can truly call it a ‘talent.’

20) What is your greatest attribute?
I have a lot of motivation. I don’t give up easy. I am constantly pushing myself in life- at my job (always trying to move up in the company), in the gym (daily 5am workouts) , and in my relationships. I want to be the best that I can possibly be.

Now it’s your turn, tell me something about yourself that most people might not know.

A New Kind of Toy Store

Good Morning! Welcome to a new week. I know Mondays are always hard…but remember it’s a new week, with new things to look forward to & new things to achieve!

I’m actually looking forward to this week…well, I should re-phrase that, I’m really looking forward to the upcoming weekend. Even if it seems like an eternity away, since it IS only Monday.

Want to know what I’m looking forward to? Promise not to laugh.
We are getting a new dishwasher!

How’s that for some excitement?! 😉

No more countless hours spent scrubbing dishes. No more yelling while we watch TV so that we can hear each other over the dishwasher in the background. Nope, no more any of that! Time to let the dishwasher do the scrubbing!

I always said I would NEVER be that girl to get excited over a new home appliance or home good item. Well, obviously I lied to myself. I would love nothing more than a bunch of home gifts!

I remember when I was younger thinking that my Mom was absolutely NUTS for getting excited over a new vacuum (she loved her canister vacuum). Now I honestly would LOVE a new vacuum. Actually I would like a Dyson. Yes, I do realize that they are like $500, but supposedly they are the best vacuums on earth.
If anyone out there has an extra $500 to spend on a vacuum, the one above is what I would really like….just in case you were wondering 😉

Now if I actually had a NEED for a Dyson, then I might have a legitimate reason to buy this vacuum…but we don’t. We don’t have any animals (unless you count fish) & we only have carpet upstairs.

Needless to say, I think I’ll stick to my new dishwasher!..and I couldn’t be happier.

Boy how times have changed. Now I can’t wait to get new appliances. Craig & I actually decided to have a smaller Christmas between the two of us & save up our money for new appliances & some remodeling we are planning to do.

Now I jump for joy to walk through Lowe’s, just thinking of new ideas for the house. When I was younger I would moan & groan over having to go to that store with my Mom. It was like her toy store.

I can finally see why, it’s slowly turning into my toy store too! 🙂

Time For a New Blog

Well…as you can see, I decided to start a new blog. You may or may not have been reading my previous blog, Greek Yogurt & Apple Slices, but I wanted to start new….start fresh. I wasn’t sure that I even wanted to blog anymore at all, but I really did enjoy it. I might not be blogging as MUCH as I did when I was writing at Greek Yogurt & Apple Slices (which was typically once a day), I plan to just write when I feel like it.

So why the new blog? Honestly it came down to the whole ‘blog comparison’ thing. I feel like my previous blog kind of fell under the ‘healthy living’ category, and well, I am just kind of over that category. Don’t get me wrong, I still read that cateogory of blogs (some of them are even my favorite blogs to read!), I just didn’t want to feel like I could ONLY blog about those particular topics. I got WAY too caught up in the ‘she eats that everyday, boy do I feel like a pig, or works out ‘X’ amount of time..and I only workout this amount of time.’ It was getting out of control and ended up bringing me down more, rather than being a positive thing in my life. So I stopped reading those blogs, actually I stopped reading most blogs for a while- I just needed a break, and now I’m only going to read stuff that I truly ENJOY reading…and not blogs that bring me down, or that don’t appear to be ‘real.’ <—I’m sure you know what I mean.

Now I’m just going to be an everything blog. I don’t want a category. I will be sharing a bunch of stuff; things that were on my old blog- like new recipes & workouts…but also just fun stuff- like articles I might of found online that I think other people might like…or my favorite hair products. Who knows what I might think of, I just don’t want to be a ‘categorized’ blog. I’m ready for a new look .

Just give me some time to get this new blog up to date- I’ll be adding some tabs at the top…and it needs some more color or something! I just have to figure it out .

You might of wondered where I’ve been. Well, for starters….the holidays were great!! We (my husband Craig & I), spent Thanksgiving in Maryland with Craig’s family & then Christmas here in Florida with my family.
^before the Ravens v. 49ers on Thanksgiving night.
^Chopping down my in-laws Christmas tree- my first time chopping down a tree.

375<—Craig & I had Christmas at our house. Don’t mind the treadmill behind my head, but DO notice the purple tree..for the Ravens, of course.

I got a bunch of pig & Ravens gear…including my favorite player – Lardarius Webb’s jersey-


And Craig got some new  toys…
Including a dragon car to ride around on.
No, I’m just kidding…it was for our nephew Ethan, although I think Craig may of wanted to keep it for himself.

I also turned 25 on December 26th- a QUARTER of a century…eek! Craig surprised me with a trip to St. Augustine & a night at a bed & breakfast.
002<—highly recommend this place!
We went on a horse drawn carriage ride through the city at night, and then enjoyed dinner on the oceanfront. Perfect way to celebrate turning 25.

Shortly after we went down to Fort Lauderdale to spend New Years Eve with my best friend, Lea.

We had a great time…and enjoyed ringing in 2012 with some of our favorite people! It’s hard to believe it’s already 2012!

Then it was back to reality, and time to get back to the grind at work. Now January is almost over…and we are heading into February. It’s getting closer to Valentine’s day, which I know is one of the most hated holidays, but I have to admit I really do like it. Maybe it’s because I love those little conversation hearts, or just because I love to love. I’m not sure, but I have liked the holiday ever since I was little.
I just googled ‘conversation hearts’ and this popped up…
they must of guessed it, those were the EXACT hearts I was looking for. HA! Totally kidding. I don’t know how I feel about ‘snookin 4 luv.’ Winking smile

Anyways, time to go & work on some house stuff. It feels like every weekend we have been doing some kind of renovation or changes to our house…have to admit, I kind of love it! I also need to work on this new blog.

Hope you enjoy your day! I plan to take advantage of this gorgeous weather we are having this afternoon- it’s perfect for a run!