A Christmas Survey

Good Morning! Happy Monday to you! Hard to believe it’s only TWO weeks until Christmas eve. Goodness. I don’t know what it is, but it doesn’t really feel very Christmas-y to me this year…maybe because it’s Florida & still like 84 degrees out..haha!

Anyways this morning I thought I would do a Christmas survey from my beautiful friend Janae. I just can’t get enough of little Brooke’s pictures…and I know her & G are going to be best blog friends forever…bbff 😉 & they are both going to take after their Momma’s & grow up to be little runners. 😀

1.  Favorite Christmas Album/CD/Song? Jessica Simpson…by far.

j simp

I know, I know…it’s kind of funny considering how many other Christmas CDs are out there, BUT I honestly LOVE that CD. I kind of (but not really) hate to admit that it’s in my car all year long. (thank goodness for six CD changers) The day after Thanksgiving when I can ‘officially’ start listening to Christmas music her CD is the first one I go to. Craig IMMEDIATELY rolls his eyes when he hears the CD playing. He’s like ‘really?! Jessica Simpson again?!’ HA!

A VERY close runner up would be Michael Buble. Love all of his music.

m buble

2.  Run on Christmas morning or take the day off? Definitely RUN! 😀 If I’m home I like to run with my Dad.

3.  What do you usually eat on Christmas morning? Well the family likes Monkey Bread.

monkey bread

It’s our Christmas morning tradition. I usually can only have a little bit of it, because it’s so sweet…and I know the desserts will be in full swing later, so I like to save my sweet tooth!

4.  Favorite holiday or Christmas tradition? Hmmm has to be our family’s pineapple stuffing. This is the BEST stuff EVER! I actually do not like traditional stuffing at all, but this pineapple stuffing is more of a dessert than anything. It is SO delicious!!

5.  Real tree, fake tree or no tree? Fake tree. Not really by choice, just easier…especially this year with the little G. We do have a bunch of Christmas tree scented candles burning though…kind of makes up for the fake tree 😉

cmas 2

This picture is the first Christmas card picture Craig & I took- in 2009. Nice, huh?! But you can see the fake tree in the background 😉

6.  Christmas pajamas… yay or nay? YAY!

December 2010 037-1

Another oldie…2010….& rather scary, looks like I have a massive forehead. Lovely 😉

7.  Where do you spend the holidays?  Your own house, your parents’ house, extended family, in-laws, friends? We rotated before we had Gabriella, but now with her we will be at our house for Christmas. We just want to have her wake up in her house to the tree with her presents from Santa underneath 🙂

December 2010 077

2 years ago in Maryland

c and e

Christmas last year- Craig playing with our nephew, Ethan.

8.  Food that you always have during the holiday season?  Favorite Christmas food/treat? Yep, again this is my favorite item on Christmas- pineapple stuffing! But another thing I always make are Christmas Mice cookies. They are ALWAYS a hit at any Christmas party. People don’t want to eat them because they are so cute! 🙂


9. Open presents all at once or take turns?  Stockings… yes or no? We usually try to take turns..someone always gets to play ‘Santa’ and hands out the gifts. & I LOVE stockings. Opening my stocking was my favorite thing. I always liked to see the random stuff my parents would put in there 🙂

10.  Favorite Christmas(ish) movie? The Grinch. LOVE it.

Now your turn- tell me about your Christmas traditions!!

Enjoy your day!

Oh & because it’s a must…here’s a Christmas picture of little G:G009-001

We have more Christmas pictures of her…but they are on our Christmas cards/ her birth announcements, so I’m waiting to send those out first 🙂

7 thoughts on “A Christmas Survey

  1. LOVE the pic of Baby G – SO CUTE!! I am going to do this survey too! Btw, are you wearing an Old Navy jacket in the picture that says Maryland 2 years ago? I think I have the same one 😉

  2. Holly, I’ve had fake trees forever! You can also use one of those old fashion solid Airwick pine ‘bullets’ under the tree to get the ‘real’ smell. Love the Xmas baby G pix. And those mouse cookies are a hoot & look pretty easy to make, so cute! Have a wonderful Xmas with baby G & your families! Blessed Yule!

  3. MMMM. Monkey bread. I haven’t had that since high school and now I’m craving it. LOL. 😉

  4. Little G is such a cutie! I haven’t had monkey bread in years but I remember it always being a hit at Girl Scouts sleepovers!

  5. Pingback: My Christmas Survey

  6. I have a family of pineapple lovers… I want this pineapple stuffing recipe you speak of! 🙂

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