
I thought I would start this Monday off easy…with a survey. Who doesn’t love a good survey?!

I saw this on Julie’s blog a while back, and thought today would be the perfect time to share my thoughts.

Current Book:

Heather McDonald’s ‘My Inappropriate Life.’


I think Heather is HILARIOUS on Chelsea Handler’s show, so I thought I would try her book. It is just as hilarious! I wish I had more time to read because I would have finished this by now…but it’s been over a month since I started this. But it definitely has me cracking up every time I do get a chance to read.


Current Music:

You guys, I am slightly obsessed with Jillian Michaels’ podcast. Just LOVE it. And no, she doesn’t JUST talk about fitness & health. I listen to that, or Johnny’s House ( my local station, which I LOVE)- while I run in the mornings.



Current Guilty Pleasure:

Jeremiah’s Italian Ice. Cookies n’ cream flavor or P-nutty. To. Die. For.


I tried to cut a lot of dairy out of my diet, due to my recent Crohn’s flare up, and Jeremiah’s has been my go-to after dinner treat. I am TOTALLY 100% guilty of ordering a QUART of Italian ice at a time. Lasts me the week, and less trips that I have to make. 😉 Craig just laughs, he thinks it’s ridiculous how much Italian ice I can go through in a week. I would challenge ANYONE to an Italian Ice eat-off. Bring it on, baby! 😉

Current Nail Color:

“Va-va-voom” – by Orly.



Current Drink:

Starbucks Iced Coffee. No sweetener, just a bit of cream.


Current Food:

You guys, I MADE SUSHI!!! Yes, seriously. I surprised Craig with SUSHI on Friday night. Made BY ME!



A volcano roll (picture shows before & after 😉 ) & a smoked salmon with avocado roll.

I definitely need to work on my rolling, we actually just need a sharper knife so that it will cut easier, but it is actually pretty easy to make your own sushi! (& much cheaper 😉 )

Current Favorite Show:

We are HOOKED on The Walking Dead. We can’t stop watching. Catching up on all of the past episodes is typically what Craig & I do each night.


Current Wish List:

To continue to feel better! Thankfully the new medication seems to be helping with my Crohn’s disease. I TRULY appreciate all of your thoughts & comments to me about my flare up. You guys are the best, seriously. THANK YOU!

Current Needs:

A vacation! We can all say that, right?! Oh, and also I could really use a hair cut, hopefully I will be able to get to an appointment this week. My split ends are taking over…and I could use some highlights! I really want to go back blonde, (I’m naturally blonde), but being brunette is so much easier. (not having the up keep of highlights) But I do miss it! We shall see…

Current Indulgence:

Lululemon! Lea, it’s ALL your fault! 😉 They have my very favorite running shorts, and I can’t stop buying them- such cute colors & patterns. Best thing? The ‘we made too much.’


^love those Chevron Lulu shorts!

Current Blessing:

Oh, gosh, do I even have to tell you?! 😉 You know, those two VERY VERY special people in my life?! My little family of three. ❤ AKA: My ENTIRE WORLD.

craig telling g about o's

^Craig telling Gabriella about the Orioles game.



Current Outfit:

Oh guys, it’s always the same, everyday, workout clothes. Lulu shorts & a tank, typically from Target. 🙂

Current Excitement:

Spending the weekend at the BEACH! With my sister, brother in law & nephew & niece! I CANNOT WAIT.


Well now, that was fun. Hope you learned something new about me 🙂

Enjoy your Monday- remember it’s a new week, time for new goals & new opportunities!!
(best way to look at a Monday 😀 )

Answer one of the questions above- tell my your ‘currently..’

9 thoughts on “Currently

  1. That’s so awesome that you made sushi at home – I’m impressed! I actually just tried sushi for the first time a couple weeks ago. You should do a ‘how to’ when you get a chance. 🙂

  2. Current excitement- there was a tornado in our neighborhood last night! No one was hurt or has serious damage thankfully!

  3. I like reading the current surveys and I most like reading that you were able to have an iced coffee. Really that makes me so happy! I want to try and make sushi at home sometime…how cool would that be!

  4. I currently need a haircut and some highlights, too. My hair is almost down to my belly button. Although I love long hair, this is WAY too long for someone my age and It just looks gross. Yuck! If I tried to make sushi it would probably turn out more like a salad. Lol.

  5. I am currently loving the new yoga studio I started going to a couple of months ago and can see my flexibility improving. I love lulu shorts also and my new love is their running skirts.

  6. hmm…I currently need a TAN big time! And my current favorite drink is crystal light berry pomegranate! Yum! I mix up a big jug of it and drink it all throughout the day.

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